A data visualization on worldwide hotel booking trends, created for a course I took from The New School. The goal was to explore and display the relationships between hotel booking rates and a number of factors, including: time of the year, hotel type, and country.
Data source: "Hotel booking demand datasets" by Nuno Antonio, Ana de Almeida, Luis Nunes
Tools: Tableau, Sketch
Finding a dataset and conducting initial research.
I browsed the Kaggle website for a dataset to base my visualization on and found a dataset on hotel booking demand (data taken from June 2015 through August 2017). I uploaded and explored the dataset in a Tableau data story to identify key characteristics, trends, and relationships. I also gathered interaction and data visualization inspiration from sites such as Tableau Public Gallery and The Pudding.
Creating a design system.
I determined design guidelines for the data visualization, including color palettes and typography for headings, axes, and grids. The design system color palettes were constructed using a color blindness simulator and a color contrast checker, so the visualization can be understood by those with visual impairments. 
Sketching and storyboarding.
After determining the design guidelines and visuals, I brainstormed and sketched multiple options for the final data visualization. I wanted to explore different styles of graphs and visualizations to see which most effectively told the data story and displayed the insights. Through these sketches, I determined a final direction and drew a storyboard outlining the different pages and flow of the final visualization.
Constructing the final data visualization.
I modified my data story in Tableau to match the flow and graphs outlined in my storyboard sketch. Using the Tableau story as a basis, I then created the final layout and high-fidelity visuals in Sketch in order to properly implement my design system guidelines. 
Bar graph brainstorm
Bar graph brainstorm
Small multiples brainstorm
Small multiples brainstorm
Symbol proportion brainstorm
Symbol proportion brainstorm
Storyboard sketch
Storyboard sketch
Storyboard sketch
Storyboard sketch